Monday, May 3, 2010


One of my best friends and one of my most favorite people, Liberty Lois Perkins, turned 6 yesterday! My sister Tabbi already stole my idea to dedicate a blog post to Lib, but hey, I can do it too! I love this girl so much. She is one of the happiest kids I know, and she always makes me feel so much better when I'm around her. She makes me laugh, gives me big hugs and kisses, and tells me that she loves me. One of my most favorite things about my niece is that she can totally entertain herself for hours. She loves playing with her sisters, but she's totally content to play alone as well. A lot of times I'll watch her when she isn't noticing, and she'll be playing her barbies, speaking and singing out the parts she wants each to play. It warms my heart a little bit. If I need some cheering up, the first person I want to spend time with is Libby because I know I'll leave her feeling so much happier! Happy Birthday Liberty! Thanks for being the happy, beautiful girl that you are. I love you more and more!!!

Hanging out at Yellowstone.

My grandma's funeral. We know how to have fun, regardless of the situation!!

Isn't she so beautiful?! She did such a great job at her Christmas dance recital!



Hanging out at Fish Lake 2008


Sunshine Designed said...

Thank you, I love you- From Lib

Salmon Tolman Family said...

Cute photos!
(oh, and thanks for getting her middle name right!)