Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Funny First Grade Story of the Week

I've decided to post some of the funny things that happen in my classroom each week, because it's just too good not to share!

I have a jar of concerns in my classroom, so instead of students coming to tattle on other students, they can write the concern down, and only I will read them. I check it once a week or so. I had to keep one I read today, it was just too funny. It said, "(student's name) was using inappropriate language in class, like poop." Of course it was spelled differently, in the way only first grade invented spelling could be. But what first grader uses the word inappropriate?! Oh man, I laughed hard over that one! I'm sure I've said the word a few times, how a certain behavior is inappropriate. But I was super impressed that this student caught on to that and wrote it. Have I mentioned lately how much I love teaching first grade?!


Sunshine Designed said...

I love it! Reminds me of the big words that Aspen always used.

Friday night, if your butt is up to it.

Jackie said...

That's funny. I hope you're starting to feel better. I hope this is the last surgery because it sounds miserable. Hugs.

Ellen said...

Oh Tawn, that is great.