Thursday, April 12, 2012

I Don't Want To..

Do you ever have those moments when you just really, really, really don't want to do certain things but you know you have to just do them? You hold it off until the last possible second and then just force yourself to? Tonight I'm feeling that way...about homework, about doing more laundry, and most of all, cleaning my pet fish, Eatee's, bowl. I dread doing this more than I dread just about anything else in my life. It's up there with ironing and sewing, two of the worst things that were ever invented. I love my fish with all my heart, that girl is a survivor. She's been through a lot in her long year and a half fish life. A few moves, me almost having her go down the disposal (TRAUMATIZED ME!) and so on. But she has continued to fight through it all so she can make me happy. I love feeding her and talking to her in the morning as I make my breakfast, when I get home from work/school, and right before I go to bed. Just ask my roommates, I even talk baby to her and have several nicknames. Pretty much she means a lot to me! So my dread of cleaning her bowl is my deep fear that I will kill her because I can't imagine not having her in my daily life! Wish me luck that I can make it through another fish bowl cleaning....

Eatee girl looks so little here! This was taken just right after I got her.
I swear she has tripled in size!

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