Monday, May 19, 2008


I'm having a hard time sleeping tonight for some reason, my heart is full I guess. So I decided, "Hey, why not write on my blog page!" So here I am! I've had a lot of good thoughts tonight, and feel that maybe I should share a few of them. I had the chance to go to dinner tonight with a good friend. You know, I love food. I think the reason I love food so much is that we all have to eat, and so it's the chance to get together and do something we all have to do anyway, but what makes it great is spending time with people I love. And Tonya is definitely a woman that I respect, admire, and love. I always love how I feel when I leave her, like I'm a renewed, better person. So on the drive home after, I thought a lot about my life, and I started thinking of all the things I am grateful for. So I'm going to list them. Bear with me, the list could get long!
  • I am so grateful for my dad. Today I took my students on a walking field trip to some local stores in the Tremonton community. On the way, we stopped at Midland Square, a cute little "park" that honors those who have served in the Military. I found his name listed under the Vietnam War, and showed my students, and talked to them a bit about him fighting. Then, I found this article that was written about him, and I just realize every time I see something like that, how grateful I am that he is my dad, and that I chose to be his daughter. He has been my example throughout my life of hard work, dedication to the Lord's work, and serving those around him. He has led a life of strength and courage, and has supported me in all that I have chosen to do.
  • I am grateful for children. Not just my students, but children in general. The other day I was out jogging around my neighborhood, and this little boy was on his toy bike and I ran past him, and he said, "Are you getting your exercise in?" I laughed so hard! He was probably 4. Made my day! Kids make me so happy. They have a way of bringing out the best in me, and I truly feel like my genuine self when I'm around them. They love so easily, are so forgiving, and so good at making you feel so good about yourself. Some of the best compliments I have ever received have come from children.
  • I am grateful for my nieces and nephews, and the pure joy they bring into my life. I can't help but be happy when I'm around them. And they love me! And I love them, with a love that is so different from any other type of love..hard to explain, but I think you understand.
  • I am grateful for the strength I have gained within me this past year. Different challenges that have been placed before me have caused me to question, change, and grow for the better. I never realized how strong I was until I was faced with trials that I had never faced before. I am a much stronger person today than I was a year ago...and that's a good thing!
  • I am grateful for the temple, for the source of peace and comfort it is in my life. I love the way I feel when I'm there, and the way it makes me want to do better.
  • I am grateful for the girls that I work with. They are so fun! I have enjoyed getting to know them better. I love my babies!!
There's a lot more I'm grateful for, but that's where my thoughts are today!


Salmon Tolman Family said...

What a nice, thoughtful blog. You have a great way of putting your thoughts into words!!!

Kelsy and Brad said...

I just read the audrey caroline blog. i think the lady is kinda weird, but her story is definitely powerful. I think the gospel would be really beneficial to a person like this.

Sunshine Designed said...

Thanks for all the reminders of how blessed we are. Unfortunately, it's easy to forget!
So sorry about the couch!